Working Girls

Working Girls es un impresionante set de Flickr, formado por más de 1000 fotografías tomadas por Douglas Clark. El propio autor habla así de su trabajo:
"It started because a friend had given me a supertelephoto lens, and I happened to have some time at work one day.
The photos are of the people that habit the area around my work, and most end up being crack/heroin users.
Many turn to prostitution to support that habit. There are multiple agencies near this location that provide programs and help to anyone that needs it, but I end up seeing the same faces time and time again in the area....
I hope these images provoke a discussion at least."
Además de este set, su colección Street Life recoge en Flickr otros sets interesantes. Os dejo también su Tumblr (...mi querido Tumblr...)

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